Printed Books by the Galloping Turtle Book Photographers
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Check out our photographer’s awards.
Rotten Pumpkin – Creston Books – Text by David Schwartz and photos by Dwight Kuhn.This is a Halloween book for November instead of October. It is a book about recycling of life from the old “Jack”. It is written from the voices of the characters involved including mice, insects, worms, fungi and other decomposers. Kids will love the revolting aspects of the photos while parents will appreciate the ecological message.
Where in the Wild series – Random House – Text by David Schwartz/Yael Schy and photos by Dwight Kuhn.
Full page artful photos and playful poems offer clues about each animal’s identity. Lift the gatefold page to find out the answer. Additional information is provided about each animal on the answer page. These book have won many prestigious awards!
Book Series – Twenty Four Books
Look Once, Look Again! – Creative Teaching Press – Text by David Schwartz and photos by Dwight Kuhn.
A nonfiction science series for beginning readers on habitats and animal/plant body parts. Children can explore plant parts and animal features “up close” and then turn the page to see the answer. These books have been selling well for the past 12+ years. Reasonably priced paperback books! Kids love these books!
Book Series – Twelve Books
How and Why – Creative Teaching Press – Photos by Elaine Pascoe and photos by Dwight Kuhn
A nonfiction science series for beginning readers. Children will learn about some of nature’s most fascinating phenomena. How do birds build nests? Why do spiders spin silk? Reasonably priced paperback books. Probing minds will find answers to many of nature’s wonders!
Book Series – Twelve Books
Life Cycles – Creative Teaching Press – Text by David Schwartz & photos by Dwight Kuhn
Children will learn about the life cycles of common plants and animals in this series. Read about the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to butterfly. Learn about the life cycles of sunflowers, frogs and other fascinating subjects. Detailed descriptions with brilliantly colored photos!
Book Series – Twelve Books
I Used to be Afraid – Creative Teaching Press – Text by Elaine Pascoe & photos by Dwight Kuhn
These beginning readers will help alleviate children’s fears by providing fascinating photos and information why people do not need to be afraid of dogs, caterpillars, bats and other animals. Help children learn why they don’t have to fear animals!